How to make your own colour: Create a new folder, for this example we will use black so create a new folder called 'black' Create a new file call 'black.asp' where in the 'colour' folder In black.asp you will put this code: <% 'Black colour sheet strFolderName = "black" img_bg = "colour/"&strFolderName&"/bg.gif" img_top_right_curve = "colour/"&strFolderName&"/top_right_curve.gif" img_bottom_right_curve = "colour/"&strFolderName&"/bottom_right_curve.gif" img_bottom_left_curve = "colour/"&strFolderName&"/bottom_left_curve.gif" img_top_left_curve = "colour/"&strFolderName&"/top_left_curve.gif" img_bg_colour = "#0033FF" %> Now open up one of the other colour folders and copy all the images into your 'black' folder. Edit these images as you wish. Now to make the new colour scheme add to your page open common.asp up. Add these lines to the very bottom of common.asp: <%IF strColourScheme = "Black" THEN%> <%ELSE%> <%END IF%> Now open up the page admin_control.asp. Scroll down to the lines: To add your new colour to the selection list replace those lines with these lines: You can create as many colour schemes as you wish!