------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alterem o arquivo banner/include/admentorconfig.asp com o caminho de sua loja, localizem o comentario no arquivo Usuario: ADMIN Senha: 123456 Abraços.: Rogerio Silva WebDeveloper Http://www.libihost.net/wbsolutions http://worldbily.cjb.net ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AdMentor is developed by Stefan Holmberg, webmaster@aspcode.net For questions or bug reports, please contact me through the forum at the website http://www.aspcode.net The site for AdMentor is http://www.aspcode.net/products/admentor Current version is 2.20 The code is written by Stefan Holmberg Contributors: Shawn Willmon ( shawn@vicad.com ) - traceclicks code in admentordb.asp for version 1.11 Jeroen Roeper ( http://www.free4u2.com ) - some graphics and also security aspects Documentation is available ( online version only ) at: http://www.aspcode.net/products/admentor